We have a depth of experience and expertise that is applied to each project at all stages of the development process. Polestar is committed to delivering positive changes as part of our wholistic approach to the development process with - "people, planet and collective prosperity" a key foundation of our DNA.

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We believe in the long term and working with like minded Clients, Partners and members of the supply chain. We focus on value creation as a driver against cost and recognise the importance of understanding the needs of the Client, the Customer, the Community and the product at every stages of a scheme. We pride ourselves with our reputation of a "safe pair of hands" in project establishment and delivery.



Our focus is to provide Clients with the best service and solutions possible that are practicable, sustainable, resilient, maximise value and meet their requirements. We create an open, honest and transparent approach. We are strong believers in collaboration and we challenge and question optimism bias and complacency.


Polestar is committed to delivering positive changes as part of our wholistic approach to the development process with - "people, planet and prosperity" a key foundation in our DNA.

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Concept to Aftercare

We work with partners who seek to challenge the status quo with a positive approach that embraces the full development period; from concept to aftercare and we have a strong background in unlocking complex sites through our skills and that of our strong relationships and knowledge of the experts of the industry in consultants and suppliers; the key to all developers' success and needless to say; we have never strayed too far from railway infrastructure.



We embrace technology and modern methods of construction. We have been early supporters and leaders in the field of BIM “Building Information Modelling” and continue to work with industry leaders in driving improvements and opportunity through technology.



We are strong supporters of industry initiatives and have been involved in numerous initiatives and organisations. We are currently supporting and actively involved in a number of initiatives including: working with Cambridge University and part of the MEICON “Minimising Energy in Construction” Working Group. See www.meicon.net/survey2018. Part of the “Get it Right” Initiative to drive improvements and efficiencies in design and delivery across the real estate and wider infrastructure sector. See www.getitright.uk.com.